Monday, August 16, 2010

Build Your Business Around Nutronix



Nutronix Revolutions Home Business Delivers As It Promises

If you are reading this article you are probably looking for a home-based business and you are unsure if you can find one that isn't just another here today gone tomorrow business or just another internet scam. If this is the case, you need to take a look at the Nutronix Revolution.

Many have lost interest and been disappointed with the promises of great riches, instant success, and the promise of unlimited travel and unlimited free time. You have been promised all of this and all you have to do is join a certain program and you will be rich overnight. Ofcoarse this is all a lot of BULL!!!

A home-based busniness like any other business requires patients, hard work, learning, and a desire to succeed. You must be serious about your business and be willing to put in the time and be committed to doing whatever is necessary to become successful.

If you have what it takes to run a home business and you are willing to do wnat it takes to be successful and have had your dreams shattered in the past, and you paid hundreds of dollars for a business opportunity and hundreds of dollars of autoships, you may want to read on.



Nutronix Revolution Maybe Something worth Looking At!!!

You can join the Nutronix Revolution for as little as $19.95 per month. The products are truly remarkable and can most certainly benefit your health as well as your finances. Click on the link below and take a look at all Nutronix has to offer. You'll be glad you did.


A big problem with a work from home business is that companies come and as fast as they come, they go. Pre-launches for new businesses are coming out daily, and many of them are just plain lies and schemes. You must be careful and do your homework on any business you are thinking about becomming a part of.

Companies that force you to spend hundreds of dollars a month, as you must “pay to play”, can leave you frustrated, angry and broke. Are you not only not making any money, you are also not covering your autoship and spending a ton of money out of your pocket with nothing to show for it but bad products and a bad taste in your mouth.

If you want a business you can rely on and make money and are willing to work hard to make your dreams come true. You need to take a serious look at the Nutronix Revolution. You'll be working with some of the biggest names in the business (Val Smyth,Jim Gras,Blair Bremner,Bob Bremner) that along with myself (Mike Rogers) will help you every step of the way to make your dreams a reality.


Happy Marketing'

Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, KY


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Veretekk"s Unique Marketing System

Veretekk Logo


Veretekk's Unique Marketing System

I use Veretekk for Search engine optimization every day to put my site to the top of Google and and all the major Search Engines. I  also use the system to generate leads for my business. You can use your veretekk system to promote your business. You will see when you sign up for Veretekk, it is your system. The  leads are yours to promote your Veretekk system, another business opportunity or your blogs. The leads you recieve through Veretekk are yours to use as you choose.

I started my own home- based business about two and a half years ago, I knew absolutely nothing about business let alone online mareting. I  had a difficult time learning how to market. One day I was surfing the internet when I came across Veretekk. I signed up for a free silver Veretekk system and it wasn't long after that I began to see the power of Veretekk. I started using the many online training classes that Veretekk offers and began learning to use Veretekk and eventually purchased a Veretekk Gold System and my internet marketing really began to florish.

Veretekk has been a blessing for me and my business. With some of the biggest names on the internet, like Tom Prendergast and Jim Gras mentoring you, you can't help but be successful. I have had the opportunity to meet and become freinds with many people during my time with Veretekk. Not only have I learned to market online and how to be successful in business, I have also formed relationships that will last a lifetime.

Actually, It’s All About Relationships

Veretekk gives you the ability to develop a powerful sphere of influence through a series of simple “point and click” activities. Your Veretekk system will produce many qualtiy leads for you at no extra cost. The system develops them for you and allows you to establish real, meaningful relationships with other people throughout the world. The leads you develop through your Veretekk system will be nothing less than quality leads you use to grow your business. These futere business partners will actually know who you are when you call them. Most will be waiting patiently waiting for your phone call.

Veretekk affords you the abiltiy to provide clients with REAL VALUE to help them to grow and posper in their business. The system comes with a wide range of “Traffic Portals” which are designed to be extremely compelling to each visitor and offer them unique value.

If you want to learn internet marketing and how to do business online, get your free Veretekk Silver system today and start the learning proscess now. You will be glad you did!!!


Happy Marketing.

Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, KY

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Let The IRS Pay For Your Home Business!




How You can run your Nutronix Business at no cost to you!

If you have ever owned an MLM company, you realize that even though
an MLM is cheaper to operate than a brick and mortar business, you can
still spend quite a bit of money to keep an MLM going.

By the time you purchase all the hardware, mlm products, email marketing
tools and what ever else you may need, you can be spending $200.00 a month
or more to stay in business. Most MLM products alone cost anywhere from
$50.00 to $100.00 a month and sometimes much more.

Without a doubt, MLM companies or Network Marketing companies are by far
the most inexpensive business's to own and operate. So if you want to go
into business for yourself and do not have a lot of money to invest, MLM
or Network Marketing is the way to go. However, if you would like to own a business 


There is a way to get the IRS to pay for your Nutronix business for you!

To learn how to get the IRS to pay for your business, watch this
short video.


The Secret To Getting The IRS To Pay For Your Nutronix Business

1. Click here to see the IRS Tax Tables

2. Click here to print out a copy of the Schedule C


Now you have absolutely no reason not to join Nutronix and start making money today.

Start now and at sometime in the future you will be working
at home, making your own schedule and spending more time with your wife
and family.

If you would like to learn more about Nutronix Revolution,    Click Here

Happy Marketing,

Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, KY



Saturday, July 10, 2010

Blastomatic Generates Leads At No Cost To You!

Blastomatic Logo


Blastomatic is one of the best tools in the Veretekk marketing system. Some of the questions I am often asked: “Is is Blastomatic legitimate?” “How does Blastomatic work?” “Is Blastomatic really free?” Does Blastomatic really submit your ads to 12 million sites?

 What is Blastomatic?

Blastomatic is an effective online ad submission tool that will submit your ads to over 12 million sites across the internet instantly, to most of the major free classified sites. As you probably know, the more back links you have pointing to your site, the better your ranking will be in the search engines. Blastomatic can help you with back links and getting your website to the top of the search engines and help get you leads at the same time. Yes, you still need to pay attention to Meta Tags, Titles, Descriptions, Keywords and Content, but to achieve a really good ranking, you must have others linked to your web page, as well… back links.

Blastomatic has taken all of the most popular link pages and created an automated system giving you the ability to post on them easily, thus greatly increasing your link popularity. Although a cutting-edge viral software tool of this type could normally set you back hundreds of dollars, the good news for those of us who are on a tight budget is that we can use Blastomatic and it cost you nothing... forever. It will help you boost your websites traffic and ranking and you can accomplish all of this from home without spending a single dime.

How do you Use Blastomatic?

Enter your ad, click the "Submit Ad button", sit back, and watch as your ad is posted to 12 million sites like: AdLandPro, 1America, 5StarAds, AbleWise, ClassifiesForFree, BestMall, Links2u, FFANet, DTL Network, WebSitings and many many more of the best known classified ad sites on the internet today. What are the Benefits of Blastomatic? •no software to download •no waiting… immediate real-time submissions •watch submissions and responses live •Blastomatic costs you nothing •easy to use •5000 leads a month at no cost to you •submission success reports and verification instantly.

 Does Blastomatic work?

Blastomatic is the most powerful ad submission tool on the internet today, and I get to give it away! No other ad submission service can compare to the “high-tech” service your prospects will receive from Blastomatic. Most companies charge a fee and provide an inferior service. Blastomatic provides a top notch service with a great product at no cost to you! YES, BLASTOMATIC WORKS!!! When you Blast out your ad to 12 million sites on the web… Well you may not be able to handle calling the amount of leads that get generated everyday. You may need to give them away to people on your team just to keep up with them.


The best marketing strategy to use with your Blastomatic is to give something away like an e book or the computer giveaway offer which are both available in Veretekk. Blastomatic is a great way to generate leads… everyone is looking for free places to blast out ads, if they have a business.

Free Massive Website Traffic

Our Simple Tool will Blast Your Ad out to 12 Million Sites in Ten Minutes! Driving 1000s of New Leads to Your Business Weekly! No other ad submission tool can legitamtley make that claim. There is a lot more behind the scenes in Blastomatic… for instance, You can download all the leads generated in Blastomatic, I’m talking about 1000’s of leads weekly. These can be uploaded into your veretekk auto responder. You’ll never run out of leads! If you haven’t Blasted out an ad yet and looked around in the back at all the Bonus sections…

CLICK HERE and give it a shot!

Here are some tips for you For your first blast:

I would suggest you offer a free product or service, This will make it easier for your leads to trust you, and what you want to keep in mind is that people buy from people they know, like and trust. Create a simple little web page where you can put a form so they can leave their name and email. This way they will be in your auto responder and you can send them their free gift in the first letter that goes out. Change your ad every time and Blast it out every week or two.

Give Blastomatic A Try Today, Your Won't Regret It!!!


 Happy Marketing,

 Mike Rogers
 Dry Ridge, KY

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Nutronix Revolution Can Make Your Day

Nutronix World

The Nutronix Revolution Can Make Your Day

For too long, I had searched for a company to belong to only to find out most are not all that they claimed to be, or that the products were nothing extraordinary or that the compensation plan was designed for only the big shots. The Nutronix Revolution has changed all that!

Are you ready to join an mlm company but not quite sure where to start?

You May want to read on.

My name is Mike Rogers from beautiful central Kentucky. where I have lived for most of my life.

For most of my working life, I worked in factories and when I was injured on the job my career ended and I had to take time to look at another career choice.

Network marketing is the career choice I have made.  It is fun building relationships with people all over the world, which is one of many perks of network marketing.  Being an independent distributor with Nutronix Revolution has allowed me to work from anywhere I choose, which is an excellent benefit.

My wife and I love to camp, travel, go to movies and just spend time with our children.  We are fairly active people and got tired of having to work around our schedules to fit activities in and that is one of the reasons network marketing has been so appealing to me.

I take my home based business very serious and This is the reason why I make myself as available as I can to our team or to anyone who needs assistance.  (I've been involved with business where there was no support whatsoever and know how discouraging that can be.)  The Leaders I work with have years of experience and have developed a great online training to help you learn new skills and develope a mindset that you can make money with an online business and we will show you how.  We have a ton of fun working together and we are always looking to work with like-minded people. 

The Nutronix Revolution is a network marketer's dream:

1. Nutronix International has been in business since 1999 and has a sound long term plan to be here for many years.

2. Exceptional and quality products.  Some are patented with FDA and EPA approval

3. Excellent management. Some of the biggest names on the net are in this business.

4.With the purchase of one product you get free capture pages with a marketing system included.

5. 24/7 support through skype,email or telephone.

6. An incredible comp plan:  Nutronix Compensation Plan

7. Nutronix Revolution products and the opportunity is available in over 40 countries with more being added.

8. Training materials for online and offline marketing are available

9. No membership kits to buy.

10. Start for as little as 39.95 a month.

Additional profit centers will double, triple and quadruple your income.  All you have to do to qualify for additional   profit centers in Nutronix Revolution is get two who get two. You can open up an unlimited amount of profit centers at no additional charge.

Here are two ways you can get started with Nutronix today.

* Take the Nutronix tour at:  NUTRONIX TOUR

* Go directly to my website at: NUTRONIX REVOLUTION and follow the prompts to join right away!!!

Happy Marketing,

Mike Rogers
skype: mikerogers1953





Tuesday, June 8, 2010

You Can't Go Wrong With Nutronix Revolution!


Why should you choose the Nutronix Revolution as your home-based business?

Take The Nutronix Revolution Tour and you will see why!

Nutronix "quite simply" provides the most powerful online opportunity on the internet today. That may seem like an over simplified statement, but read on.

There are 5 things needed to have a successful online business and Nutronix provides all of them.

1. Exceptional products.

To be successful in business you need quality products that do as they claim for your foundation. Look no further, our New Silver Solution is an amazing product, it is Unique and has No Competition, so it is the perfect product to begin with.

Watch the entire Silver Sol webinar with Dr. Pedersen.

2. An effective marketing system.

With the Nutronix Marketing System, you’re getting the benefits of years of marketing experience. Developed by professionals who know their business, the Nutronix system will help you build your business.

Want to see how?    click here

3. A rewarding compensation plan.

The Nutronix Revolution Compensation plan is the best, it is simple and unlimited. It puts other compensation plans to shame.

4.  Company stability.

Nutronix is a 11 year old debt free company doing business in countries around the world. The company has never missed a payday and They always pay on time.

5. Teamwork and Support.

The Nutronix Team is built on shared values and you will get all of the support you need.. We understand that without good support most of us, especially new starts will never reach our full potential. At Nutronix you will receive support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We understand that working as part of a team is more powerful than working alone. Helping people achieve Optimum Health and Financial Freedom is the name of the game here at Nutronix Revolution.

If You share these goals and values, This is the place For You.

You have a wonderful opportunity here.

When you join with the right sponsor and team you increase your success greatly.

When you join, you will have access to a website like the one below.

View Website here:  Nutronix Revolution

Are you ready to live your dreams? Take the Nutronix Revolution tour Now!!!

Take the time to discover all the remarkable products we offer here at Nutronix Revolution.

Click Here.

Happy Marketing,

Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, KY.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Supplements Are A Must For Good Health


Start Taking Care Of Your Health Today! 

Supplementation is Necessary For Your Health and Well-being

Today we will focus on the Nutronix Revolution, The New Silver Solution,O2 proformance Hydration and The "Power of 2" business building design. The Buy-2-Get-1-Free NuRev Special offer is now a permanent. ZIVA is now available through Nutronix International as well as the Nutronix Revolution! The New Silver Solution has been added to the long list of Nutronix Revolution products!

Are you aware, that:

Today's Fruit And Vegetable Nutrient Levels have dropped substantially since the 1950's

DR. Tim Lang, a professor at the Centre for Food Policy in London, England said. "We think of an orange as a constant, but the reality is it isn't.""In fact, you would have to eat eight oranges today to get the same amount of vitamin A your grandparents got from a single orange just 50 years ago. And you would need to eat five to get the same level of iron".

The analysis examined food tables that were prepared by government researchers in 1951, 1972 and 1999, comparing the nutrients available from 100 grams samples of fruits and vegetables.

Watch This Informational Video BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW

New Silver Sol. KILLS the FLU,Malaria, Protozoa, AIDS in four hospitals in Africa.

More Effective Product / Top Material Scientist

The unique composition of Silver Sol products results in an different efficacy when compared to other silver products. Tests have been directed by one of the leading materials science laboratories in the world at Pennsylvania State University, under the personal direction of Professor Rustum Roy, who is regarded as one of the top materials scientists in the world. Testing was also performed by distinguished scientists at Arizona State University (and other locations), all of which have been under the direction of Professor Roy. This work may help explain why Silver Sol products are much more effective at very low concentration levels of silver, when compared to other silver products, some of which contain hundreds of times higher concentrations of silver.

Testing Continues

Silver Sol Technology is being tested in numerous independent laboratories, institutions, and some government groups worldwide. Over 50 studies have been completed to date.  Work completed thus far includes seven safety studies, antibiotic comparison studies, antibiotic additive studies, thousands of bacterial tests, numerous tests against virus including some flu virus, and numerous studies against other pathogens like yeast and black mold.  Testing also includes four studies with Silver Sol against the malaria protozoa, and independent human studies from four hospitals in Africa.

If you would like to learn more about Nutronix, it's products and business oportuinty,


To Your Good Health,

Mike Rogers