Monday, August 16, 2010

Build Your Business Around Nutronix



Nutronix Revolutions Home Business Delivers As It Promises

If you are reading this article you are probably looking for a home-based business and you are unsure if you can find one that isn't just another here today gone tomorrow business or just another internet scam. If this is the case, you need to take a look at the Nutronix Revolution.

Many have lost interest and been disappointed with the promises of great riches, instant success, and the promise of unlimited travel and unlimited free time. You have been promised all of this and all you have to do is join a certain program and you will be rich overnight. Ofcoarse this is all a lot of BULL!!!

A home-based busniness like any other business requires patients, hard work, learning, and a desire to succeed. You must be serious about your business and be willing to put in the time and be committed to doing whatever is necessary to become successful.

If you have what it takes to run a home business and you are willing to do wnat it takes to be successful and have had your dreams shattered in the past, and you paid hundreds of dollars for a business opportunity and hundreds of dollars of autoships, you may want to read on.



Nutronix Revolution Maybe Something worth Looking At!!!

You can join the Nutronix Revolution for as little as $19.95 per month. The products are truly remarkable and can most certainly benefit your health as well as your finances. Click on the link below and take a look at all Nutronix has to offer. You'll be glad you did.


A big problem with a work from home business is that companies come and as fast as they come, they go. Pre-launches for new businesses are coming out daily, and many of them are just plain lies and schemes. You must be careful and do your homework on any business you are thinking about becomming a part of.

Companies that force you to spend hundreds of dollars a month, as you must “pay to play”, can leave you frustrated, angry and broke. Are you not only not making any money, you are also not covering your autoship and spending a ton of money out of your pocket with nothing to show for it but bad products and a bad taste in your mouth.

If you want a business you can rely on and make money and are willing to work hard to make your dreams come true. You need to take a serious look at the Nutronix Revolution. You'll be working with some of the biggest names in the business (Val Smyth,Jim Gras,Blair Bremner,Bob Bremner) that along with myself (Mike Rogers) will help you every step of the way to make your dreams a reality.


Happy Marketing'

Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, KY


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Veretekk"s Unique Marketing System

Veretekk Logo


Veretekk's Unique Marketing System

I use Veretekk for Search engine optimization every day to put my site to the top of Google and and all the major Search Engines. I  also use the system to generate leads for my business. You can use your veretekk system to promote your business. You will see when you sign up for Veretekk, it is your system. The  leads are yours to promote your Veretekk system, another business opportunity or your blogs. The leads you recieve through Veretekk are yours to use as you choose.

I started my own home- based business about two and a half years ago, I knew absolutely nothing about business let alone online mareting. I  had a difficult time learning how to market. One day I was surfing the internet when I came across Veretekk. I signed up for a free silver Veretekk system and it wasn't long after that I began to see the power of Veretekk. I started using the many online training classes that Veretekk offers and began learning to use Veretekk and eventually purchased a Veretekk Gold System and my internet marketing really began to florish.

Veretekk has been a blessing for me and my business. With some of the biggest names on the internet, like Tom Prendergast and Jim Gras mentoring you, you can't help but be successful. I have had the opportunity to meet and become freinds with many people during my time with Veretekk. Not only have I learned to market online and how to be successful in business, I have also formed relationships that will last a lifetime.

Actually, It’s All About Relationships

Veretekk gives you the ability to develop a powerful sphere of influence through a series of simple “point and click” activities. Your Veretekk system will produce many qualtiy leads for you at no extra cost. The system develops them for you and allows you to establish real, meaningful relationships with other people throughout the world. The leads you develop through your Veretekk system will be nothing less than quality leads you use to grow your business. These futere business partners will actually know who you are when you call them. Most will be waiting patiently waiting for your phone call.

Veretekk affords you the abiltiy to provide clients with REAL VALUE to help them to grow and posper in their business. The system comes with a wide range of “Traffic Portals” which are designed to be extremely compelling to each visitor and offer them unique value.

If you want to learn internet marketing and how to do business online, get your free Veretekk Silver system today and start the learning proscess now. You will be glad you did!!!


Happy Marketing.

Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, KY

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Let The IRS Pay For Your Home Business!




How You can run your Nutronix Business at no cost to you!

If you have ever owned an MLM company, you realize that even though
an MLM is cheaper to operate than a brick and mortar business, you can
still spend quite a bit of money to keep an MLM going.

By the time you purchase all the hardware, mlm products, email marketing
tools and what ever else you may need, you can be spending $200.00 a month
or more to stay in business. Most MLM products alone cost anywhere from
$50.00 to $100.00 a month and sometimes much more.

Without a doubt, MLM companies or Network Marketing companies are by far
the most inexpensive business's to own and operate. So if you want to go
into business for yourself and do not have a lot of money to invest, MLM
or Network Marketing is the way to go. However, if you would like to own a business 


There is a way to get the IRS to pay for your Nutronix business for you!

To learn how to get the IRS to pay for your business, watch this
short video.


The Secret To Getting The IRS To Pay For Your Nutronix Business

1. Click here to see the IRS Tax Tables

2. Click here to print out a copy of the Schedule C


Now you have absolutely no reason not to join Nutronix and start making money today.

Start now and at sometime in the future you will be working
at home, making your own schedule and spending more time with your wife
and family.

If you would like to learn more about Nutronix Revolution,    Click Here

Happy Marketing,

Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, KY



Saturday, July 10, 2010

Blastomatic Generates Leads At No Cost To You!

Blastomatic Logo


Blastomatic is one of the best tools in the Veretekk marketing system. Some of the questions I am often asked: “Is is Blastomatic legitimate?” “How does Blastomatic work?” “Is Blastomatic really free?” Does Blastomatic really submit your ads to 12 million sites?

 What is Blastomatic?

Blastomatic is an effective online ad submission tool that will submit your ads to over 12 million sites across the internet instantly, to most of the major free classified sites. As you probably know, the more back links you have pointing to your site, the better your ranking will be in the search engines. Blastomatic can help you with back links and getting your website to the top of the search engines and help get you leads at the same time. Yes, you still need to pay attention to Meta Tags, Titles, Descriptions, Keywords and Content, but to achieve a really good ranking, you must have others linked to your web page, as well… back links.

Blastomatic has taken all of the most popular link pages and created an automated system giving you the ability to post on them easily, thus greatly increasing your link popularity. Although a cutting-edge viral software tool of this type could normally set you back hundreds of dollars, the good news for those of us who are on a tight budget is that we can use Blastomatic and it cost you nothing... forever. It will help you boost your websites traffic and ranking and you can accomplish all of this from home without spending a single dime.

How do you Use Blastomatic?

Enter your ad, click the "Submit Ad button", sit back, and watch as your ad is posted to 12 million sites like: AdLandPro, 1America, 5StarAds, AbleWise, ClassifiesForFree, BestMall, Links2u, FFANet, DTL Network, WebSitings and many many more of the best known classified ad sites on the internet today. What are the Benefits of Blastomatic? •no software to download •no waiting… immediate real-time submissions •watch submissions and responses live •Blastomatic costs you nothing •easy to use •5000 leads a month at no cost to you •submission success reports and verification instantly.

 Does Blastomatic work?

Blastomatic is the most powerful ad submission tool on the internet today, and I get to give it away! No other ad submission service can compare to the “high-tech” service your prospects will receive from Blastomatic. Most companies charge a fee and provide an inferior service. Blastomatic provides a top notch service with a great product at no cost to you! YES, BLASTOMATIC WORKS!!! When you Blast out your ad to 12 million sites on the web… Well you may not be able to handle calling the amount of leads that get generated everyday. You may need to give them away to people on your team just to keep up with them.


The best marketing strategy to use with your Blastomatic is to give something away like an e book or the computer giveaway offer which are both available in Veretekk. Blastomatic is a great way to generate leads… everyone is looking for free places to blast out ads, if they have a business.

Free Massive Website Traffic

Our Simple Tool will Blast Your Ad out to 12 Million Sites in Ten Minutes! Driving 1000s of New Leads to Your Business Weekly! No other ad submission tool can legitamtley make that claim. There is a lot more behind the scenes in Blastomatic… for instance, You can download all the leads generated in Blastomatic, I’m talking about 1000’s of leads weekly. These can be uploaded into your veretekk auto responder. You’ll never run out of leads! If you haven’t Blasted out an ad yet and looked around in the back at all the Bonus sections…

CLICK HERE and give it a shot!

Here are some tips for you For your first blast:

I would suggest you offer a free product or service, This will make it easier for your leads to trust you, and what you want to keep in mind is that people buy from people they know, like and trust. Create a simple little web page where you can put a form so they can leave their name and email. This way they will be in your auto responder and you can send them their free gift in the first letter that goes out. Change your ad every time and Blast it out every week or two.

Give Blastomatic A Try Today, Your Won't Regret It!!!


 Happy Marketing,

 Mike Rogers
 Dry Ridge, KY

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Nutronix Revolution Can Make Your Day

Nutronix World

The Nutronix Revolution Can Make Your Day

For too long, I had searched for a company to belong to only to find out most are not all that they claimed to be, or that the products were nothing extraordinary or that the compensation plan was designed for only the big shots. The Nutronix Revolution has changed all that!

Are you ready to join an mlm company but not quite sure where to start?

You May want to read on.

My name is Mike Rogers from beautiful central Kentucky. where I have lived for most of my life.

For most of my working life, I worked in factories and when I was injured on the job my career ended and I had to take time to look at another career choice.

Network marketing is the career choice I have made.  It is fun building relationships with people all over the world, which is one of many perks of network marketing.  Being an independent distributor with Nutronix Revolution has allowed me to work from anywhere I choose, which is an excellent benefit.

My wife and I love to camp, travel, go to movies and just spend time with our children.  We are fairly active people and got tired of having to work around our schedules to fit activities in and that is one of the reasons network marketing has been so appealing to me.

I take my home based business very serious and This is the reason why I make myself as available as I can to our team or to anyone who needs assistance.  (I've been involved with business where there was no support whatsoever and know how discouraging that can be.)  The Leaders I work with have years of experience and have developed a great online training to help you learn new skills and develope a mindset that you can make money with an online business and we will show you how.  We have a ton of fun working together and we are always looking to work with like-minded people. 

The Nutronix Revolution is a network marketer's dream:

1. Nutronix International has been in business since 1999 and has a sound long term plan to be here for many years.

2. Exceptional and quality products.  Some are patented with FDA and EPA approval

3. Excellent management. Some of the biggest names on the net are in this business.

4.With the purchase of one product you get free capture pages with a marketing system included.

5. 24/7 support through skype,email or telephone.

6. An incredible comp plan:  Nutronix Compensation Plan

7. Nutronix Revolution products and the opportunity is available in over 40 countries with more being added.

8. Training materials for online and offline marketing are available

9. No membership kits to buy.

10. Start for as little as 39.95 a month.

Additional profit centers will double, triple and quadruple your income.  All you have to do to qualify for additional   profit centers in Nutronix Revolution is get two who get two. You can open up an unlimited amount of profit centers at no additional charge.

Here are two ways you can get started with Nutronix today.

* Take the Nutronix tour at:  NUTRONIX TOUR

* Go directly to my website at: NUTRONIX REVOLUTION and follow the prompts to join right away!!!

Happy Marketing,

Mike Rogers
skype: mikerogers1953





Tuesday, June 8, 2010

You Can't Go Wrong With Nutronix Revolution!


Why should you choose the Nutronix Revolution as your home-based business?

Take The Nutronix Revolution Tour and you will see why!

Nutronix "quite simply" provides the most powerful online opportunity on the internet today. That may seem like an over simplified statement, but read on.

There are 5 things needed to have a successful online business and Nutronix provides all of them.

1. Exceptional products.

To be successful in business you need quality products that do as they claim for your foundation. Look no further, our New Silver Solution is an amazing product, it is Unique and has No Competition, so it is the perfect product to begin with.

Watch the entire Silver Sol webinar with Dr. Pedersen.

2. An effective marketing system.

With the Nutronix Marketing System, you’re getting the benefits of years of marketing experience. Developed by professionals who know their business, the Nutronix system will help you build your business.

Want to see how?    click here

3. A rewarding compensation plan.

The Nutronix Revolution Compensation plan is the best, it is simple and unlimited. It puts other compensation plans to shame.

4.  Company stability.

Nutronix is a 11 year old debt free company doing business in countries around the world. The company has never missed a payday and They always pay on time.

5. Teamwork and Support.

The Nutronix Team is built on shared values and you will get all of the support you need.. We understand that without good support most of us, especially new starts will never reach our full potential. At Nutronix you will receive support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We understand that working as part of a team is more powerful than working alone. Helping people achieve Optimum Health and Financial Freedom is the name of the game here at Nutronix Revolution.

If You share these goals and values, This is the place For You.

You have a wonderful opportunity here.

When you join with the right sponsor and team you increase your success greatly.

When you join, you will have access to a website like the one below.

View Website here:  Nutronix Revolution

Are you ready to live your dreams? Take the Nutronix Revolution tour Now!!!

Take the time to discover all the remarkable products we offer here at Nutronix Revolution.

Click Here.

Happy Marketing,

Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, KY.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Supplements Are A Must For Good Health


Start Taking Care Of Your Health Today! 

Supplementation is Necessary For Your Health and Well-being

Today we will focus on the Nutronix Revolution, The New Silver Solution,O2 proformance Hydration and The "Power of 2" business building design. The Buy-2-Get-1-Free NuRev Special offer is now a permanent. ZIVA is now available through Nutronix International as well as the Nutronix Revolution! The New Silver Solution has been added to the long list of Nutronix Revolution products!

Are you aware, that:

Today's Fruit And Vegetable Nutrient Levels have dropped substantially since the 1950's

DR. Tim Lang, a professor at the Centre for Food Policy in London, England said. "We think of an orange as a constant, but the reality is it isn't.""In fact, you would have to eat eight oranges today to get the same amount of vitamin A your grandparents got from a single orange just 50 years ago. And you would need to eat five to get the same level of iron".

The analysis examined food tables that were prepared by government researchers in 1951, 1972 and 1999, comparing the nutrients available from 100 grams samples of fruits and vegetables.

Watch This Informational Video BY CLICKING THE LINK BELOW

New Silver Sol. KILLS the FLU,Malaria, Protozoa, AIDS in four hospitals in Africa.

More Effective Product / Top Material Scientist

The unique composition of Silver Sol products results in an different efficacy when compared to other silver products. Tests have been directed by one of the leading materials science laboratories in the world at Pennsylvania State University, under the personal direction of Professor Rustum Roy, who is regarded as one of the top materials scientists in the world. Testing was also performed by distinguished scientists at Arizona State University (and other locations), all of which have been under the direction of Professor Roy. This work may help explain why Silver Sol products are much more effective at very low concentration levels of silver, when compared to other silver products, some of which contain hundreds of times higher concentrations of silver.

Testing Continues

Silver Sol Technology is being tested in numerous independent laboratories, institutions, and some government groups worldwide. Over 50 studies have been completed to date.  Work completed thus far includes seven safety studies, antibiotic comparison studies, antibiotic additive studies, thousands of bacterial tests, numerous tests against virus including some flu virus, and numerous studies against other pathogens like yeast and black mold.  Testing also includes four studies with Silver Sol against the malaria protozoa, and independent human studies from four hospitals in Africa.

If you would like to learn more about Nutronix, it's products and business oportuinty,


To Your Good Health,

Mike Rogers


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Reverse Marketing: It Really Works!

Veretekk Logo


Reverse Marketing

When the Internet was in its infancy and online marketing was gaining popularity, e-mail solicitation was the primary way to advertise. Solicitors did not generate leads on their own they purchased thousands of e-mail addresses from "list" companies. They would then blast an offer to thousands of recipients at the same time. As the e-mail invitations increased, people began complaining that they didn't want all these unsolicited marketing offers cluttering up their inbox. This process became known as "spam" and now there are rules and regulations that govern this type of marketing campaign.

What happened was these e-mail lists were sold over and over again and consequently the same addresses were receiving many, many different offers that they didn't want or in which they had no interest.

The proper way to send e-mail offers today is to send only to recipients that have given their permission to you to do so and also, the e-mail needs to have a way for them to option out of your list if they want to.

Reverse marketing can give you the ability to acquire your own list of prospects that are actually looking for your product or business opportunities then you can develop a relationship with them that is spam free.

Here is how it works. You invite prospects to e-mail you by using free for all (FFA's) ad companies to advertise what you are offering. People inquire back to you and you then have the chance to communicate with them on a more friendly basis. These are people that have requested information from you so they are looking forward to receiving your e-mail.

Another way to acquire e-mail address is to set up a "capture" page on the Internet. Each of these capture pages or "portals" have a specific function called an opt-in form that when filled out collects their e-mail address into your list. This way they have actually asked for your information and you can then send it to them.

No more paying many, many dollars for a list of e-mails that usually provides minimal or no results. You can market to a list of your own prospects that are exclusively yours because they have requested something from you and you can do it completely spam free.

If you would like more information on reverse marketing, visit here.

Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, Kentucky
Skype: mikerogers1953

Monday, May 17, 2010

Nutronix Revolution: Does It Really Do As It Promises?

Power of 2

Nutronix Revolution – Does It Really Do As It Promises?

The Nutronix Revolution is an innovative way to go about multi-level marketing,   MLM has recently been under fire  for their capability and effectiveness in delivering the earning potential that it claims it can deliver.  It is true that there are business opportunities out there that will not work as well as they claim or they are just too complicated to use and be able to benefit from them. People are naturally quite skeptical of a program that makes outlandish claims of having the potential to generate large amounts of cash in rediculously short periods of time.

Nutronix Revolution business opportunity actually delivers if you are willing to put in the time and the work necessary.  Nutronix provides the support and education you need  to successfully attract clients and build a home based business that will produce the income needed for you to be your own boss. The Nutronix program supplies marketing techniques that work. Would you like to be turning potential clients into business partners?  Than give Nutronix and myself the opportunity to help you!

An MLM business needs to give you a manageable goal and the tools necessary  to help you to acheive finacial freedom. Using a structure Nutronix calls the “Power of 2″, you are able to focus on only recruiting 2 members and helping those two get two. By using the Power of Two you can generate a huge downline and be able to work your own hours and be your own boss and become financially independent. With a goal that is this reasonable to acheive, you should have no time building a downline to help you financially in a short period of time.

Nutronix Revolution gives you the opportunity to create a massive income  while at the same time providing weekly training, conference calls to get your questions and concerns taken care of and product calls to teach you about the products and to teach you to be an MLM PRO.  Because of this, it is safe to say that this program delivers all that is necessary to be successful.

If Nutonix International seems like something you could become a part of and you would like to learn more about the company then click on the link below.

Visit Here

Happy Marketing,

Mike Rogers

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nutronix Revolution and It's Life Changing Products



Nufocus is a scientifically formulated product

NuFocus is a Scientifically formulated Supplement, it's ingredients have been clinically tested to improve your endurance and athletic performance. When using Nufocus you will notice an improvment in increased levels of energy,  mental clarity, and endurance within a short period of time after taking the supplement.

Fully Complys with the rules of substance use with All Athletic Associations

NuFocus is in compliance and accepted by The Olympic Committee, NCAA, MLB, NBA,NASCAR, X GAME, as well as many other athletic affiliations that have strict standards on substance abuse.
Nufocus is all natural energy


•L-Carnitine-Known for its ability to stave off chronic fatigue.
•L-Arginine-An amino acid produced by the body, l-argininetreats a host of   health issues.
•ArginineAlpha Keto-The naturally occurring substance promotes athletic    endurance by increasing the supply of oxygen to the heart and working    muscles, leveraging the body’s strength.
•L-Glutamine -Athletes take glutamine to enhance performance, muscle  strength and mental awareness.
•L-Taurine–By stabilizing blood pressure, it alleviates the erratic feeling of    jitteriness, experienced with other
 energizing supplements. (Recent medical studies suggest that l-taurineis    healthy for the heart).
 •L-Glycine-A potent immune system booster that quells stomach ulcers,     reduces muscle spasms and alleviates   any
•Green Tea Extract -Clinical research shows that green tea is beneficial for       increasing cognitive acuity, awareness and mental stimulation.
•PaulliniaCupana-Offers ultimate performance and mental clarity as it defers   drowsiness and fatigue.
•Kelp(seaweed) -This natural supplement boosts energy resources while it   averts fatigue.
•Siberian Ginseng Extract (Root) -Clinical trials indicate that Siberian Ginseng   stabilizes the body’s adrenal glands
 and fine-tunes mental acuity for the body to perform and cope with stress.
•Bromelain (bromeliaceae)-Assures that the body is able to digest and reap all   the nutritional benefits of the amino acids, proteins and vitamins contained in  NuFocus Energy.
•Coenzyme Q10 -The antioxidant characteristics of coenzyme-10 strengthen     the body’s immune system,  promoting a feeling of high energy.
•Ecdysterone-For maximum energy output, NuFocus Energy is formulated   with ecdysteroneto increase stamina, muscle mass and vitality.
•Emblica Officinalis-Extracted from yellow fruit, emblica officinalis provides   three times the vitamin C of an orange.
 In NuFocus Energy the antioxidant laden botanical supports the immune   system.
•Glycyrrhizin Glabra (Glycyrhizaglabra) -Reregulates the stress hormone   called, cortisol, easing the feeling of nervousness, associated with other natural energy  stimulants.
•Capsicum Vareous (Fruit) -Enables the body to digest and process all the   nutrients and supplements contained in  the high performance energizer.
•Caffeine-stimulates the brain as it promotes mental clarity and acuity.    (NuFocus contains less than 5 percent  caffeine). (From Green Tea)
•Zingiber Officinalis (Root) -the botanical name for ginger root. Extracts of      ginger synchronize all of the ingredients of NuFocus Energy –so there’s never  a  queasy or upset stomach.

Give Nufocus a try for free

Click Here

silver homepage

Nutronix Revolutions New Silver Solution

For centuries now, silver in many forms has been used to treat many types of medical conditions. Some cultures used powdered silver to a babies first bath to protect it against a hard world. Farmers used a silver pail to collect milk. The raw milk would remain unrefrigerated for hours and not spoil.

Early settlers would often throw silver dollars into wells or  any type of water container to kill bacteria and keep the water drinkable. In Europe, wealthy families gave their children silver spoons to suck on to fight off illness. This is where the old saying "born with a silver spoon in their mouth" came from.

The Safety of Silver Solution

Silver Solution used according to directions and after consulting your doctor is perfectly safe to use and has no known side affects.

Does Silver Solution destroy good as well as bad bacteria in Our Intestines?

As you well know, todays anti-biotics kill good bacteria as well as bad. Silver Solution does not present such a problem. Independent studies have effectively proven that Silver Solution destroys bad bacteria while not only not harming good bacteria, but enhancing their qualities.

Individuals using Silver Solution have reported no negative side affects wich  suggests that this solution does not cause these friendly bacteria harm in any way. In-vitro testing of Silver Solution on a number of friendly bacteria, such as aslactobacillus have shown that Silver Solution, actually enhances the effects of these helpful bacteria.

Why You Should Use Silver Solution

Silver Sol is extremely more effective than the old colloidal or ionic silvers.

It's non toxic, and is extremely safe
Scientifically Supported

Silver Solution can destroy 99.9% of all bacteria, viruses, mold, fungus and other pathogens. It begins to destroy pathogens within the first 15 seconds.
Silver Sol can be used inside the body (internal), as well as on the skin and in the orifices (external).
Silver Sol can be effective in just a few minutes. 

Silver Sol is inorganic with no chemicals or other additives so it can be stored for years at a time.  

Extremely Safe. 

Give Silver Sol a try today




 Resveratrol - The Fountain of Youth

The discovery of Resveratrol has caused an extreme amount of excitement with scientists and researchers. This is due to the fact that Resveratrol holds the possibility of longevity and helps fitght against premature aging.

Resveratrol is also found in natural foods like grapes, blueberries, cranberries, bilberries, peanuts and the French red wine.  An ounce of French Red wine contains 90 micrograms of Resveratrol.  Since Resveratrol is found on the grape skins it is minutely present in white wines. Resveratrol is a member of stilbenes, a class of polyphenolic compounds.  It is rich in flavonoids and has antioxidant, anti inflammatory and anti atherogenic impact.  Some plants like Eucalyptus and knotweed produce stilbenes when they are exposed to stress, fungal infection, UV rays and injury. 

A study by Harvard University on mice revealed that when Resveratrol was fed to mice on a high calorie diet, it reversed enlarged liver conditions of the mice.  The incidence of obesity, heart diseases and arteriosclerosis in these mice caused by an unhealthy diet was eliminated by Resveratrol.  In fact Resveratrol augmented survival rates of mice on unhealthy diets by 31%.  These mice also built up energy levels that the researchers compared to that of trained athletes.  The study results have indicated that Resveratrol may help treat aging related diseases.



proformance hydration

O2  Proformance Hydration

O2 Proformance Hydration actually makes water wetter by lowering the surface tension of water molecules. This dramatically increases your water’s ability to hydrate your body at the cellular level.

Proper hydration is the most crucial factor in maintaining proper pH. Since your body is 70% water, it is important to constantly replenish your supply of it. The body loses 2.5 liters of water every day through normal every day activities. The water you put in your body is used to prevent toxins and chemical substances from accumulating and causing the destruction of cells. The water you drink should have a pH between 9 and 10, and you should be drinking 3-4 liters a day.

Every sachet of O2 contains calcium, magnesium, and over 70 trace minerals. These essential minerals (electrolytes) become ionic in water allowing them to be absorbed quickly and easily by your body. O2 is delivered in a pure ionic form, which means it is immediately bio-available to the body.

O2 may also help your body to:

Assimilate vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat and the supplements you take
Combat arthritis and heart disease
Cleanse the kidneys, intestines and liver
Protect your body from free radical cell damage
Increase muscle and joint mobility
Increase your oxygen levels
Control digestive problems
Regulate blood sugar
Manage blood pressure
Neutralize harmful acids

Want to give Resveratrol a try?




ZIVA Muscadine Juice Concentrate takes one of the most unique fruits known in nature, the Muscadine grape, and through a carefully controlled and monitored process, creates a nutritious drink with health benefits unrivaled by any other product today.

Polyphenolic antioxidants, phytochemicals, beneficial oils, natural and wholesome fruit sugar are all key nutrients that improve health and fight disease.  All of these can be found in the Muscadine grape, and all are present in the delicious and healthfully refreshing beverage known as ZIVA.

ZIVA Muscadine Juice Concentrate is a refreshing glass of nature’s perfection. Try it. Taste it.  Experience ZIVA Health and enjoy all of the healthy benefits of ZIVA.

The Muscadine grapes are full of natural health enhancing vitamins, oils, fiber, and antioxidant. Flavonoids, known for their anti-allergenic and anti-microbial activity and resveratrol, which has shown promising anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, helps to protect the body from damage done by free radicals and can be found in every serving. 

Muscadine grape vines grow wild in North America. Found along rivers and creek beds, these hardy grapes are popularly used in jams, jellies and wines.  Muscadine grape has proved an ideal fruit for many purposes. The thick skin helps to protect its delicious fruit from heat, fungus, and insects. The hardiness against hot, humid summers allows the Muscadine grape to grow in conditions that would cause most fruit to simply wither on the vine. Its robustness makes it highly resistant to many diseases that plague other grape varieties. The Muscadine grape, has proven to be a strong and formidable fruit to make a unique and exceptional juice.

TRY it today



lady anion  ll

Lady Anion

Lady Anion pads are a new generation of sanitary pads. Lady Anion sanitary pads normalize vaginal pH and stop the spread of microbial, viral and fungal infections.

Lady Anion sanitary pads with the far infrared rays and anion chip have six main characteristics that make them unique:

• Absorbs liquid more quickly and retain the dry surface
• Hamper the growth of microorganisms inside the lining
• Protect from skin redness, itching and unpleasant odor
• Strengthen the local mucous membrane immunity
• Permeable to air and allow the skin to breathe
• Thin, soft, gentle and very comfortable to wear

The unique sealed packaging and individual package of every pad protects them from accessing moisture and microorganisms.

the pads now!


Nutronix World

Nutronix World
The Internet’s World Class Benefit Program
Brought to you by NUTRONIX International
Is saving money a priority? Then you are in the right place.
We have packed the Clubhouse full of exciting products and services. It’s hard to put a price tag on Value, Service, Convenience and Entertainment. These are all intangible items with a different value to different people.

In our TRAVEL SECTION, for instance, we have put together a World Class program. With recent changes in the travel industry, technology has enabled us to pass along the same savings Professional Travel Agents have enjoyed for years directly to our club members.

Is Peace of Mind valuable to you?

NO MORE MIDDLE MAN! You book the travel! You pocket the savings! Not sure you can handle the "leg work"? Do not fear, you have exclusive access to Professional Customer Service. With just one phone call or email, you can have all of your needs taken care of by a trained professional at no extra cost to you.

Here you will find all of your favorite ATTRACTIONS and RECREATIONAL pursuits as well.  You will want to visit often because you will find something new every time you visit.

In our SPORTS SECTION, you have access to all of your favorite sports, teams and tickets. You can even find tickets and travel packages to all of the hard to get events like the Super Bowl or the Daytona 500.

In our SAVINGS SECTION, which is always growing, you will find bargains on practically everything you want to purchase. Be sure and check out the Club Mall. We are always on the lookout for specials for our members. Plus, there's always FREE STUFF.

We are also enrolling "Local Businesses" in The Clubhouse too! If you are a business owner, let us promote your business to America as well as the rest of the world!

So, whether your interest is sports, travel, attractions, recreation or saving money, this is the place for you. That's why we call it the The Nutronix World's Clubhouse! Join us today!

How Much is Your Membership Worth?
The savings on our grocery bill alone has more than covered the cost of our membership. I recommend the Coupon Headquarters to everyone as there are many sources to print coupons and SAVE MONEY!
Ask Jon from Iowa, he will tell you how he saved $43 a night on a two night hotel stay one recent weekend. That $86 savings gave him a chance to have a great dinner while he was there!
Terry from Florida will explain how his Mother saves $460 a year on her prescriptions.
Ask Mary who recently returned from Cancun where she enjoyed roundtrip airfare, transfers, and all-inclusive accommodations for 5 days and 4 nights for both her and her husband for less than $1,000. This was a long awaited anniversary trip that has been put off many times because it had always been too expensive.

Want to try it?


Wishing you all the best in your endeavers,

Mike Rogers

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Nufocus For Energy and Age Fighting Supplements

Nufocus Loge

Nufocus From Nutronix International

Today with so many people on the go, one needs to be able to maintain a  level of energy to meet the demands of day to day living. NuFocus contains the components needed to maintain this energy. NuFocus was originally created for professional athletes to enhance their atheletic skills. Nufocus did help athletes and it will help you also.

Business professionals, waiters, college students and housewives need help  maintaing a high level of energy. Whether you are competing on the field or shopping, NuFocus can improve and reinforce cardiovascular endurance, and accumulated energy making your day much easier and more enjoyable. Nufocus is abundant in amino acids, antioxidants, and another nutrients that enhance your physical performance.

For people who need to lose weight or want to improve their athletic ability, NuFocus has substances that have thermogenic or metabolism boosting capabilities that can help with weight-loss. The L-Arginine in NuFocus stimulates growth hormone, a component essential for growth and well-being. Ingredients such as L-Carnitine and ecdysterone aid in metabolizing fat and using it for energy instead of protien and glucose. Nufocus contains nothing but the highest quality ingredients

NuFocus can enhance the body's ability to fight off environmental stress. Everyday our bodies are ravaged by cell destroying UV rays and pollutants in the liquid we drink, the food we eat and the air we breathe. The antioxidants in NuFocus can help destroy free radicals and neutralize them before significant  cell or tissue tissue damage occurs. NuFocus also contains arginine alpha keto which enhances the liver's ability to clean and detoxify itself.

NuFocus contains L-Glutamine needed to produce and maintain white blood cell growth. L-Glutamine helps to prevent unwanted bacteria from attaching to and colonizing the GI tract. In addition, L-Arginine, L-Glycine, Russian ginseng stem extract, Emblica Officinalis blend, and Glycyrrhiza Glabra enable NuFocus to decrease infections and fatigue caused by bad bacteria.

In these times with life being so stressful because of the way we rush to and fro,  good nutrition and training are a must to support our bodies and fight the effects of aging and wear and tare on our bodies. As we age and continue to live longer than our ancesters, exercise alone may not be enough. When used at the porper dosage, NuFocus helps to not only fight fatique and enhance metabolism, it can fight the effects of aging. It allows us to be more productive and enjoy what time we have in this world. Increase the dosage before exercising to maximize your work out and if you use Nufocus before studying, you will find that Nufocus can enhance your memory. Take some Nufocus when you wake up, to start your day off right.

Whether at work or play, NuFocus delivers pure, reliable energy.

While NuFocus is strong enough to increase athletic performance, it’s can help people of any professional background. While working at the office, NuFocus keeps you alert and your energy levels high enough to increase your performance and productivity. It is the same for truck drivers, cab drivers, resteraunt employees and anyone doing anything. NuFocus sharpens concentration, and fine tunes motor skills and improves the desire to do a good job.

At play, you can rely on NuFocus for assistance in physical endurance. Performance minded people can use Nufocus everyday to achieve maximum performance and help thier bodies sustain energy and enjoy playtime without getting fatiqued or sore muscles. Most of us know how you can suffer from a day of playing. The sore muscles, fatique, and needing to lay on the couch all day the day after. Nufocus can help you play one day and feel totally relaxed and ready to go the next day.

Safe and effective, NuFocus is a proprietary blend of organically cultivated ingredients consisting of vitamins, amino-acids, and natural supplements to help you enjoy life and have the energy to do so much more than you would normally want to do. Try Nufocus and start a new life today.


Mike Rogers

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Blastomatic: A Powerful Lead Generation Tool

Blastomatic Logo

Blastomatic Ad Submission Tool

Having a powerful ad submission service is critical to your business and website, our technology makes getting your content found by search engines easy. This website search engine submission service is a fully integrated and will increase your profit and effectiveness with the most powerful system ever created! No other ad submission service can compare!

Blastomatic was designed by Veretekk as a free ad submission service that allows you to create and blast your advertisement to over 12 million websites across the Internet.

Currently Blastomatic is a tool which has great attraction for those wanting to blast their ads out to the internet with the objective of building back links and generating leads to add to their list from the responses they hope to get and to improve their SEO on Google.

With Blastomatic you'll be able to download 5000+ leads daily. As a non-paying member the system will only allow you to do this once a month. But if you update your blastomatic system for 14$/month, you will have the ability to download these leads daily. You will download an average of  150,000 leads per month.

The quality of these leads are far from ordinary, they aren't over-used, contaminated 'throw in the trash' leads accumulated and collected from other lists which the industry has tolerated for way too long. The leads are fresh leads, straight from the server-farm from people seeking answers to their questions - many of whom are seeking knowledge on starting a home based business.

Blastomatic is easy to use, because there is:

No software to download
No waiting; immediate real-time submissions
Wysiwyg; watch submissions and responses live
Only real major classified ad sites
All categories supported (biz opps, health, auto, computer, etc.)
Membership and login sites supported
Major link sites
Submission success reports and verification

No other ad submission service can compare to Blastomatic. Most companies charge a fee and provide an inferior service. Blastomatic offers top notch service with a great product for free!

To learn more on how to use and apply Veretekk's Free Marketing System, to promote your business, visit my website and signup for free.

To view other free internet marketing and lead generation system tools click the link below:

Blastomatic Marketing System

Mike Rogers


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Freebie Force: Where Everything is Free

Freebie Force Logo

Every day we bring together an remarkable array of amazing products at no cost.

Our powerful proprietary systems and techniques scour the Earth, searching
out an incredible range of hidden freebies.

Then we go one vital step further ...
We've made our members the secret FORCE in Freebie Force.

Every member, anywhere in the world, can easily submit hidden freebies
they discover—whether they are local finds or worldwide offers!

This powerful global Force can add thousands of freebies each month,
assuring that Freebie Force covers the world with amazing Free Products

Others may promise “Free Stuff,” but only Freebie Force’s exclusive systems,
software and world-wide Force deliver in such a BIG way!

We take our wealth of discoveries, gathered from around the world, sort them,
and then display on your computer only those specific ones that you can get
whether they are available worldwide or only in your local area.

You don’t have to waste valuable time searching, sorting and stressing over
what you can or can’t get. We do the hard work.

You simply POINT … CLICK … and GET!

Please Take a Look!

Visit Here

wishing you success,

Mike Rogers

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Welcome To Veretekk V2

Veretekk Logo

Veretekk 2.0 is Amazing!

Veretekk has been used to train members on the art of making money for over a decade now. The company has always been on the cutting edge of technology and is once again proving it's ability to stay well ahead of the competition. As of January 2010 Veretekk has started a process of introducing "Veretekk 2.0" (V2).

Veretekk will continue providing quality training and education on internet marketing and lead generation as well as live interactive training with some of the best marketers in the business. Many of the now established marketers rely on Veretekk to continue providing quality leads and training not seen anywhere else on the net.

They also offer a free silver membership that has an option to upgrade to a paid membership with many more advantages to helping you market on the net.With the free silver system you give the system a try and learn to use Veretekk before you spend a penny to start using the paid version. Veretkk will also continue to offer their free web hosting that can save you lots of money.

With the onset of Veretekk V2, many things will be changing so instead of upgrading rapidly, Veretekk will use a step by step process to accomplish the upgrade. This should give everyone the chance to learn how to use the system gradually and not be so confusing. Some of these steps have already begun.

Veretekk V2 will increase the amount of traffic and seo portals, which means even more back links to your web- sites and pages. You already have hundreds of back links and with the upgrade you can expect your pages and web- sites to rise in search engine rankings.

The new Veretekk system will have even more opportunities to earn
income by paying you commissions deeper into your matrix. This improvement will allow you the opportunity to earn eough income to become a full-time internet marketer and spend more time at home with your family.

Veretekk V2 will add  more servers to an already powerful and extensive network. This means more space and greater speed and stability. Any major company online must invest a great deal of money and time to continue to stay ahead of the compition. Veretekk has never had any problem with investing to remain at the top. As you will see soon enough this will not change with V2.

This new system is designed to adapt to the changing world of the Internet. Veretekk 2.0 will become more flexible and allow you to do all of your marketing with one system saving you time and money. Your social network sites (Facebook, Tweeter, MySpace) will all be available to you on the same site making it easier and faster to stay on top of your social networking. All of the major social networking sites will be at your fingertips on the new Veretekk 2.0

The new Platinum Control Panel allows you to manage multiple gold member accounts, meaning less time spent working at your buisness and more results in a quicker time than with the previous system.

All in all, the new Veretekk V2.0 is a welcome upgrade and will allow you to generate more premium leads and more backlinks and a higher page rank for your web-sites.

Give Veretekk a try and shorten your learning curve and increase your earning potential today!

Visit Here

Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, Ky.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ziva for Health and Nutrition


ZIVA: The name means bright, radiant and brilliant.

This is the perfect  description of a juice as powerful and delicious as this one. ZIVA is a Concentrate made from the muscadine grape. One of the most unique fruits known in nature. By using a carefully controlled and monitored process,  Ziva brings to you a nutritious drink loaded with health benefits that are out of this world.

Polyphenolic antioxidants, phytochemicals, beneficial oils, natural and wholesome fruit sugar are all key nutrients that improve health and fight disease.  All of these can be found in the fruit of the Muscadine vine, and all are present in the delicious, healthy and refreshing beverage known as ZIVA.

Muscadine grape vines were growing wild in North America long before the the first Europeans arrived on these shores. Found along rivers and creeks, these hardy grapes were used in jams, jellies and wines.

Through years of selective cultivation, the Muscadine grape has proved  ideal for many different purposes. The grape is resistant to heat, fungus, and insects. The hardiness against hot, humid summers allows the Muscadine grape to grow in conditions that would cause most fruit to simply wither on the vine. Its highly resistant to many diseases that plague other varities of grapes . The Muscadine grape, like no other grape,  makes a unique and exceptional juice.

The Muscadine grapes are loaded with vitamins, oils, fiber, and antioxidants. Flavonoids, known for their anti-allergenic and anti-microbial activity and resveratrol, which has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties to help protect the body from damage by free radicals.  These properties can be found in every serving of Ziva.

With brilliance in every bottle and radiance in every serving,  ZIVA Muscadine Juice Concentrate is a refreshing glass of nature’s perfection. Try it. Taste it.  Experience ZIVA Health.

If you want to live a healthier lifestyle and have the energy and stamina to do all the things you plan to do with your life and enjoy yourself while doing so, give Ziva a try. If may be the one product to help you accomplish all of this.

Want to know more about Ziva and many other wonderful and healthy products?

Visit Here

To your good health,

Mike Rogers


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The 02 Berry Product From Nutronix Revolution

O2 berry

The O2 Berry Product from Nutronix Revolution

"More than 1 in 5 Americans unknowingly drink tap water polluted with many different types of contaminants. Many people die anually of waterborne illness attributed to contaminated water".

O2 Berry adds a light Berry flavor to the water without any artificial sweeteners or colors. As anyone with kids knows, getting them to drink more water instead of soda or sugary fruit drinks is a challenge. Adding O2 Berry's mineral benefits and flavor to water can help you and your kids drink more water and minerals every day.

Mineralize: You can clean your water with the O2 Berry Product. Every Sachet of O2 contains calcium, magnesium, and over 70 trace minerals. These essential minerals (electrolytes) become ionic in water allowing them to be absorbed quickly and easily by your body.

Did you know?

The National Cancer Institute estimates cancer risks for people who consume chlorinated water to be 93% higher than for people who do not. The effects of drinking chlorinated water have been debated for decades.

However, most experts now agree that there are some significant risks related to consuming chlorine and chlorination byproducts.

Tests have proven that The O2 Berry Product absorbs and removes very large amounts of chlorine from chlorinated water.

You can clean your water with O2 Berry!

O2 Choral Calcium is delivered in a pure ionic form, which means it is immediately bioavailable to the body. O2 may also help your body to:

* Combat arthritis and heart disease.
* Cleanse the kidneys, intestines, and liver.
* Protect your body from free radical cell damage.
* Increase muscle and joint mobility.
* Increase your oxygen levels.
* Control digestive problems.
* Regulate blood sugar.
* Manage blood pressure.
* Neutralize harmful acids that lead to illness.
* Help in fighting the battle against cancer and other diseases.
* Assimilate vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat and the supplements you take.

Revitalize: Alkalinity = good health. O2 transforms your water into a powerful alkaline beverage, which fights against the physical stress caused by today's fast-paced lifestyles.It takes 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize the acid from one 12 oz. soda. Each time you drink acidic soda, coffee, tea, and energy drinks your body uses its own buffers (from bone and dna) to raise the body's alkalinity to maintain your healthy blood pH level of 7.35-7.45.

Transform your water! Make O2 your daily source for hydration and refreshment! It's as easy as 1-2-3!

Step 1: Drop a O2 sachet ("teabag") in 18-24 ounces of purified or bottled water.
Step 2: Shake for 10-15 seconds.
Step 3: Allow 5 minutes for O2 to transform your water before drinking.

Now you can be a confident expert on water. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on water.

For additional information on 02 Berry  Visit Here 

Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, KY



Thursday, February 18, 2010

About Resveratrol


Introducing Nutronix NuRev...Resveratrol!
The discovery of Resveratrol has caused an avalanche of excitement amidst scientists and researchers from around the world. Can it be true that Resveratrol holds the promise of slowing the onset of premature aging?

Resveratrol is a class of polyphenolic compounds that is rich in flavonoids and has antioxidant, anti inflammatory and anti atherogenic qualities. Some plants like Eucalyptus and knotweed produce these polyphenols when they are exposed to stress, fungal infection, UV rays and injury. Resveratrol can also be found in foods like grapes,blueberries, cranberries, bilberries, peanuts and the red wine. An ounce of red wine contains 90 micrograms of Resveratrol. Since Resveratrol is found on the grape skins it is hardly present in white wines were the grape skins are discarded during preparation of the wine.

A study by Harvard University on mice revealed that when Resveratrol was fed to mice while they were on a high calorie diet, it reversed the enlarged liver conditions of the mice. The incidence of obesity, heart diseases and atherosclerosis in these mice, caused by their unhealthy diet, was eliminated by Resveratrol. In fact Resveratrol increased survival rates of mice on unhealthy diets by 31%. The mice also had increased energy levels that the researchers compared to that of trained athletes. The study results have indicated that Resveratrol can possibly, effectively treat aging related diseases.

Resveratrol works as an anti aging agent by targeting HDACs ( histone deacetylase enzymes) related to aging and life span control. Resveratrol has been found to be able to imitate the effects of calorie limitation. Resveratrol stimulates a gene called mammalian SIRT1 just as calorie restriction does. This gene promotes life span. Resveratrol activates AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) which is an enzyme that enhances insulin sensitivity and fatty acid oxidation. Resveratrol also kindles AMPK, which promotes longevity.

Resveratrol is rich in antioxidants. The Resveratrol antioxidants prevent photo aging and enhance skin freshness, softness and quality. These antioxidants destroy free radicals that cause premature aging, making Resveratrol great for skin care. Resveratrol can alsogive you a boost in your energy levels giving you the vigor and flexibility of your youth.

Resveratrol can combat ailments related to the natural aging process of your body. It slows blood platelet formation making blood vessels more supple and less likely to form blockages.This improves blood flow and helps to prevents cardiovascular diseases like Atherosclerosis.

Scientists are attributing the low incidence of cardio vascular diseases in Frensch people, despite their fat rich conventional diet, to their frequent consumption of red wine. There is also a strong relation between Resveratrol and cholesterol. Proper intake of Resveratrol supplements helps in lowering cholesterol levels and eventually may help in decreasing the risks of heart disease.

It has the ability to reduce blood sugar so it can prevent diabetes, an old age disease. Other cardio vascular benefits include augmented Nitric Oxide production, reduction of vasoactive peptides, diminishment of oxidized low-density lipoprotein, cyclooxygenase inhibition.

Resveratrol may prevent Alzheimer’s disease by breaking down beta-amyloid and by positively impacting neural tissues. It fights cancerous cells selectively without harming the health of good cells in the body. It may also be effective in decreasing the likelyhood of getting prostate cancer. It boosts anti cancer defenses and assits the bodies immune system.

Want to learn more?         take a look

Mike Rogers
Skype: mikerogers1953

If you would like to know more about me... click here