Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The 02 Berry Product From Nutronix Revolution

O2 berry

The O2 Berry Product from Nutronix Revolution

"More than 1 in 5 Americans unknowingly drink tap water polluted with many different types of contaminants. Many people die anually of waterborne illness attributed to contaminated water".

O2 Berry adds a light Berry flavor to the water without any artificial sweeteners or colors. As anyone with kids knows, getting them to drink more water instead of soda or sugary fruit drinks is a challenge. Adding O2 Berry's mineral benefits and flavor to water can help you and your kids drink more water and minerals every day.

Mineralize: You can clean your water with the O2 Berry Product. Every Sachet of O2 contains calcium, magnesium, and over 70 trace minerals. These essential minerals (electrolytes) become ionic in water allowing them to be absorbed quickly and easily by your body.

Did you know?

The National Cancer Institute estimates cancer risks for people who consume chlorinated water to be 93% higher than for people who do not. The effects of drinking chlorinated water have been debated for decades.

However, most experts now agree that there are some significant risks related to consuming chlorine and chlorination byproducts.

Tests have proven that The O2 Berry Product absorbs and removes very large amounts of chlorine from chlorinated water.

You can clean your water with O2 Berry!

O2 Choral Calcium is delivered in a pure ionic form, which means it is immediately bioavailable to the body. O2 may also help your body to:

* Combat arthritis and heart disease.
* Cleanse the kidneys, intestines, and liver.
* Protect your body from free radical cell damage.
* Increase muscle and joint mobility.
* Increase your oxygen levels.
* Control digestive problems.
* Regulate blood sugar.
* Manage blood pressure.
* Neutralize harmful acids that lead to illness.
* Help in fighting the battle against cancer and other diseases.
* Assimilate vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat and the supplements you take.

Revitalize: Alkalinity = good health. O2 transforms your water into a powerful alkaline beverage, which fights against the physical stress caused by today's fast-paced lifestyles.It takes 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize the acid from one 12 oz. soda. Each time you drink acidic soda, coffee, tea, and energy drinks your body uses its own buffers (from bone and dna) to raise the body's alkalinity to maintain your healthy blood pH level of 7.35-7.45.

Transform your water! Make O2 your daily source for hydration and refreshment! It's as easy as 1-2-3!

Step 1: Drop a O2 sachet ("teabag") in 18-24 ounces of purified or bottled water.
Step 2: Shake for 10-15 seconds.
Step 3: Allow 5 minutes for O2 to transform your water before drinking.

Now you can be a confident expert on water. OK, maybe not an expert. But you should have something to bring to the table next time you join a discussion on water.

For additional information on 02 Berry  Visit Here 

Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, KY



Thursday, February 18, 2010

About Resveratrol


Introducing Nutronix NuRev...Resveratrol!
The discovery of Resveratrol has caused an avalanche of excitement amidst scientists and researchers from around the world. Can it be true that Resveratrol holds the promise of slowing the onset of premature aging?

Resveratrol is a class of polyphenolic compounds that is rich in flavonoids and has antioxidant, anti inflammatory and anti atherogenic qualities. Some plants like Eucalyptus and knotweed produce these polyphenols when they are exposed to stress, fungal infection, UV rays and injury. Resveratrol can also be found in foods like grapes,blueberries, cranberries, bilberries, peanuts and the red wine. An ounce of red wine contains 90 micrograms of Resveratrol. Since Resveratrol is found on the grape skins it is hardly present in white wines were the grape skins are discarded during preparation of the wine.

A study by Harvard University on mice revealed that when Resveratrol was fed to mice while they were on a high calorie diet, it reversed the enlarged liver conditions of the mice. The incidence of obesity, heart diseases and atherosclerosis in these mice, caused by their unhealthy diet, was eliminated by Resveratrol. In fact Resveratrol increased survival rates of mice on unhealthy diets by 31%. The mice also had increased energy levels that the researchers compared to that of trained athletes. The study results have indicated that Resveratrol can possibly, effectively treat aging related diseases.

Resveratrol works as an anti aging agent by targeting HDACs ( histone deacetylase enzymes) related to aging and life span control. Resveratrol has been found to be able to imitate the effects of calorie limitation. Resveratrol stimulates a gene called mammalian SIRT1 just as calorie restriction does. This gene promotes life span. Resveratrol activates AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) which is an enzyme that enhances insulin sensitivity and fatty acid oxidation. Resveratrol also kindles AMPK, which promotes longevity.

Resveratrol is rich in antioxidants. The Resveratrol antioxidants prevent photo aging and enhance skin freshness, softness and quality. These antioxidants destroy free radicals that cause premature aging, making Resveratrol great for skin care. Resveratrol can alsogive you a boost in your energy levels giving you the vigor and flexibility of your youth.

Resveratrol can combat ailments related to the natural aging process of your body. It slows blood platelet formation making blood vessels more supple and less likely to form blockages.This improves blood flow and helps to prevents cardiovascular diseases like Atherosclerosis.

Scientists are attributing the low incidence of cardio vascular diseases in Frensch people, despite their fat rich conventional diet, to their frequent consumption of red wine. There is also a strong relation between Resveratrol and cholesterol. Proper intake of Resveratrol supplements helps in lowering cholesterol levels and eventually may help in decreasing the risks of heart disease.

It has the ability to reduce blood sugar so it can prevent diabetes, an old age disease. Other cardio vascular benefits include augmented Nitric Oxide production, reduction of vasoactive peptides, diminishment of oxidized low-density lipoprotein, cyclooxygenase inhibition.

Resveratrol may prevent Alzheimer’s disease by breaking down beta-amyloid and by positively impacting neural tissues. It fights cancerous cells selectively without harming the health of good cells in the body. It may also be effective in decreasing the likelyhood of getting prostate cancer. It boosts anti cancer defenses and assits the bodies immune system.

Want to learn more?         take a look

Mike Rogers
Skype: mikerogers1953

If you would like to know more about me... click here


Friday, February 5, 2010

Swine Flu Facts~ Mutations have Already Reached the United States

Swine Flu Mutations have Already Reached The United States

The Deadly H1N1 Swine Flu Mutations have already reached the United States. SILVER SOL TECHNOLOGY, is a Safer Alternative to Vaccinations and Antibiotics!

The New Silver Solution is simply the greatest product available today to improve your health. Over 85% of all health problems today are caused by bacteria and viruses. And the new Silver Sol Technology is completely lethal to all pathagens!!

Silver Sol Technology is patented and has just received full FDA approval for the gel for wound care and the liquid is approved by the EPA as a surface disinfectant against MRSA for hosptials!

And it is completely safe and non-toxic for humans and pets! And it does not harm the friendly bacteria in your intestines!

Please Watch this Movie for more information on this amazing product!

Silver Sol Technology has been used successfully against:

* Asthma
* Athlete's Foot
* Burns and cuts
* Cankers and other mouth sores
* Diabetic Neuropathy
* Diaper and other rashes
* Ear Aches
* Eye Infections
* Flu
* Food Poisoning
* Fungus Infections of the feet
* Inflammation of the joints
* Insect Bites
* Sinus Infections
* Yeast Infections
* And Much, Much More!

It is a must have in every medicine cabinet in the world! And you can make a huge residual income with our first of it's kind compensation plan!!

To learn more about the Nutronix Revolution Opportunity, you can plug into a live meeting online! We host live meetings every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1:00 PM EST and 7:30 PM EST, just go to: Nutronix Meeting Monday ~ Wednesday ~ Friday

"This is the most exciting program I have seen in the 23 years I have been in Network Marketing! You will have to work not to be successful in this program!" - Blair Bremner

Please call our 24 hour conference call replay line to hear the latest Business Briefing Call:

1-712-432-8788 Code: 42365#

Please contact me if you have any questions! Please visit my Nutronix Revolution website:

I look forward to working with you!

Mike Rogers
Skype: mikerogers1953

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nutronix Revolution is Number One in Internet Marketing

So what is marketing really all about? The following report includes some fascinating information about marketing--info you can use, not just the old stuff they used to tell you.

Truthfully, the only difference between you and marketing experts is time. If you'll invest a little more time in reading, you'll be that much nearer to expert status when it comes to marketing. 

Nutronix is fast becoming the #1 business on the net because
it can quickly change Your Life with the Power of 2!

Nutronix Revolution has scientifically formulated and remarkable products
that can change the way you go about your healthy lifestyle and give you the products you need to feel secure about you and your famalies health.

Have you ever tried and failed at Internet Marketing? If so, take a look at Nutronix International. With the amazing products and all the help you will receive from some of the biggest names in Internet Marketing, you can't help but succeed with Nutronix!

The list of people who belong to and are joining Nutrontix daily reads like a who's who list on the internet!

All anyone needs to do to have the potential of $90,000 per month is sponsor 2 people! If a person sponsors more than 2 and meets a minor purchase
requirement the potential is unlimited with over $1 million per month possible!

The 11 year-old debt free Nutronix International started the Nutronix Revolution system on December 1st 2009! They worked closely with professional marketers to design this new system, and it is rapidly catching the eyes of some of the biggest names in Internet Marketing.

Now is the time for action!
Join us in this life changing event!

Take a tour now

Become a part of this Economic Goldmine today and start Making Your Dreams a Reality!

CONFERENCE CALL SCHEDULE: (712) 432-8787 code - 42365#
Monday - Friday 11am EST, 4pm EST, and 10pm EST 

To your sucess,

Mike Rogers
443-548- 9358

If you would like to know more about me:   visit here