Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nutronix, Network Marketing At It's Best

Welcome to the Nutronix Revolution!

I can't begin to tell you how very excited I am to share this with you.  This is a really exciting opportunity to share.

In the past I have been involved with other network marketing companies and all I ended up with is a headache and deeper in debt.  I said “never again!”  Each time I always felt bad about approching my family and friends and I knew they were not the least bit interested in what I had to say. People have approached me with other opportunities but none of them grabbed my attention like Nutronix International has.

So why did Nutronix get my attention? 

You don’t have to buy a box of products to sell.
You don’t have to approach your friends and family.
You don’t have to attend meetings at restaurants and/or hotels.
You don’t have to drive miles and miles to deliver one product.
You don’t have to do mass mailings and spend $$ for postage.
You don’t have to hire an economics major to explain the compensation plan.
You don’t have to record training/meetings in case you missed something.
You don’t have to go door-to-door leaving flyers on people’s doors.


They have state-of-the-art products.
It is one of the least expensive programs to join in the industry.
They give you web sites.
You get trianing, support and splash pages at no extra cost to you.
They give you access to Nutronix Builder Marketing system.
Sponsors and top leaders are available via telephone and email.
A leads program second to none.

You bring your prospect to one of the 15 conference calls (three a day, five days a week) and they will do the selling for you.

This sytem can be used by anyone - whether you want to pay off your car loan, have residual income, build a nest-egg, work fewer  hours per week, or build your retirement,  you set your goals and together, myself and the leaders of Nutronix will be there to help you achieve it.

See it for yourself!     Nutronix International 

Stay tuned!

Mike Rogers

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What is Nutronix?

Nutronix is a network marketing company that promotes  health and wellness products.  Nutronix has been around since 1999 and has continually delivered to their customers, products that are made with the highest quality ingredients.  Combined with the product line is the ability for distributors to join the business and earn commissions on product volume sold themselves and by their entire team.

What Does Nutronix Sell?

Health and wellness products.  To be more specific their line of products ranges from antioxidants to joint health supplements.  Some other products include Resveratrol supplements, skincare products, juices, energy supplements, vitamins and minerals, cell health, green foods and detox packages. What makes them so appealing is the quality and natural form of the ingredients.  The ingredients are non-toxic and safer for your body.  This is an attractive selling point, as more and more people become increasing aware of their own health.

How Do You Get Paid As A Distributor?

You earn commissions on new customers you enroll and their monthly volume of product bought, new distributors you sponsor and your overall organizational volume.  In between this is an array of bonuses.  Go to the main Nutronix website to view the compensation plan and all the specifics.  The main way you are able to earn a full time income with a business like this is to increase your entire volume. 

My Recommendation

Nutronix has great upper management and they have stood the test of time.  The products sell themselves and the compensation structure is above average. Your success will come directly from your ability to commit to your business, learn to become a master marketer.  Make sure if you do decide to join that you have a team that is dedicated to your success as well as their own.  Make sure you have quality marketing training available and resources that you can plug into.  My biggest piece of advice is to never quit.  If you really want to live the lifestyle of .

If you are serious about being successful in online marketing with Nutronix, than follow the link below to get your questions answered and to learn how to market your business.

Visit Here

Happy Marketing,

Mike Rogers

Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Nutronix Revolution is Here To Stay!

The Nutronix Revolution is Here To Stay!
The 11 Year Old, Debt Free, Nutronix Company is launching the world’s
first. “Low Monthly Cost-Product Driven-Infinity Weekly Pay (Repeats
Annually) -2 by Infinity Matrix Unilevel”, This Plan has the potential
of massive spillover but with all the benefits of a Unilevel. All each
person needs to do is to sponsor 2 to have the potential of $30,000 per
month. If a person sponsors more than 2 and meets a minor purchase
requirement the potential is unlimited with over $1 million per month
MAIN PRODUCT,     View this video:
The motivation for each person to get 2 people to get to their weekly
coded bonus legs will cause a huge explosion and spill over in a single
2x15 matrix. When each person gets 2 in their first month and they never
get more than 2 and this progresses for 20 months then there will be over
one million people in just one 2 by leg. This is 2 times itself 20 times
or 20 doublings.
This plan has the benefits of both a “spill over” matrix and a unilevel
plan all in one-Profit Centers change a 2xmatrix into a Unilevel. All of
your “Heavy  Hitters” are on your first level. A 2x15 matrix becomes a
2 x infinity with unlimited income potential. (First time in networking

• Fast start pay from infinity repeats annually from the same people that
gave it to you in the first year. It then also repeats and pays you year
after year. (First in the industry).

• Most people bring in 2 so that they can start their own weekly pay fast
start from infinity legs.

• Fast start pay could easily be well over $1000 per week. (First in the

• Most of your big weekly fast start pay will come from the effort of others.
(First in the industry).

• All this supported by a highly desirable and successful health product

• Low cost monthly product order to qualify. This will be quickly offset
by income from the weekly fast start and monthly matrix income which starts
in month 2. Very low attrition. (First in the industry).

• Not a binary, get full income from strong and weak sides.

• Only sponsor 2 to qualify for up $30,000 per month from the 2x15 matrix.
(First in the industry).

• Help 2 get 2 and get free re-entry profit centers and get unlimited income
(maybe $ million per month) from the 2 x infinity matrix. (What you get beyond
the $30,000 per month depends on your work level).

Join the fastest growing team in Nutronix Revolution . I look forward
to working with you! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Listen To This

To your success,
Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, KY
PS: not reviewed by the FDA. Always see your Doctor for medical information.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Freebie Force, Where Everything Is Free!!!

Freebie Force is your gateway to Free Products and Free Services
of High Value from across the planet

Every day we bring together an remarkable array of amazing products at no cost.

Our powerful proprietary systems and techniques scour the Earth, searching
out an incredible range of hidden freebies.

Then we go one vital step further ...
We've made our members the secret FORCE in Freebie Force.

Every member, anywhere in the world, can easily submit hidden freebies
they discover—whether they are local finds or worldwide offers!

This powerful global Force can add thousands of freebies each month,
assuring that Freebie Force covers the world with amazing Free Products

Others may promise “Free Stuff,” but only Freebie Force’s exclusive systems,
software and world-wide Force deliver in such a BIG way!

We take our wealth of discoveries, gathered from around the world, sort them,
and then display on your computer only those specific ones that you can get
whether they are available worldwide or only in your local area.

You don’t have to waste valuable time searching, sorting and stressing over
what you can or can’t get. We do the hard work.

You simply POINT … CLICK … and GET!

Please Take a Look!

Visit Here

wishing you success,

Mike Rogers

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Free Leads For Life!!!

Blastomatic is an effective, yet free, online ad submission service that will submit 12 million of your ads, in less than ten minutes, to all the major free classified sites, link sites, and boards across the internet.

The more webpages you have linked to your site, the better the chances are that you will be ranked higher in the search engines.

Blastomatic has taken all of the most popular link pages and created an automated system giving you the ability to post on them easily ... and not just FFA sites. Your information is placed into millions of classified ad sites as well, thus increasing your link popularity.

Enter your ad, and watch as your ad is submitted live to millions of sites like, AdLandPro, 1America, 5StarAds, AbleWise, ClassifiesForFree, BestMall, Links2u, FFANet, DTL Network, WebSitings and many more well-known major ad sites.

•no software to download
•no waiting; immediate real-time submissions
•wysiwyg; watch submissions and responses live
•only real major classified ad sites
•all categories supported (biz opps, health, auto, computer, etc)
•membership and login sites supported
•major link sites
•submission success reports and verification

Blastomatic is the most powerful ad submission system in the world. Best of all, I get to give it away for free!

No other ad submission service can compare to the "high-tech" service my prospects will receive from Blastomatic. Most companies charge a fee and provide an inferior service. I get to provide top notch service with a great product for free!

Try it for Free:

Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, KY
skype: mikerogers1953