Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nutronix, Network Marketing At It's Best

Welcome to the Nutronix Revolution!

I can't begin to tell you how very excited I am to share this with you.  This is a really exciting opportunity to share.

In the past I have been involved with other network marketing companies and all I ended up with is a headache and deeper in debt.  I said “never again!”  Each time I always felt bad about approching my family and friends and I knew they were not the least bit interested in what I had to say. People have approached me with other opportunities but none of them grabbed my attention like Nutronix International has.

So why did Nutronix get my attention? 

You don’t have to buy a box of products to sell.
You don’t have to approach your friends and family.
You don’t have to attend meetings at restaurants and/or hotels.
You don’t have to drive miles and miles to deliver one product.
You don’t have to do mass mailings and spend $$ for postage.
You don’t have to hire an economics major to explain the compensation plan.
You don’t have to record training/meetings in case you missed something.
You don’t have to go door-to-door leaving flyers on people’s doors.


They have state-of-the-art products.
It is one of the least expensive programs to join in the industry.
They give you web sites.
You get trianing, support and splash pages at no extra cost to you.
They give you access to Nutronix Builder Marketing system.
Sponsors and top leaders are available via telephone and email.
A leads program second to none.

You bring your prospect to one of the 15 conference calls (three a day, five days a week) and they will do the selling for you.

This sytem can be used by anyone - whether you want to pay off your car loan, have residual income, build a nest-egg, work fewer  hours per week, or build your retirement,  you set your goals and together, myself and the leaders of Nutronix will be there to help you achieve it.

See it for yourself!     Nutronix International 

Stay tuned!

Mike Rogers

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