Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Nutronix Revolution is Here To Stay!

The Nutronix Revolution is Here To Stay!
The 11 Year Old, Debt Free, Nutronix Company is launching the world’s
first. “Low Monthly Cost-Product Driven-Infinity Weekly Pay (Repeats
Annually) -2 by Infinity Matrix Unilevel”, This Plan has the potential
of massive spillover but with all the benefits of a Unilevel. All each
person needs to do is to sponsor 2 to have the potential of $30,000 per
month. If a person sponsors more than 2 and meets a minor purchase
requirement the potential is unlimited with over $1 million per month
MAIN PRODUCT,     View this video:
The motivation for each person to get 2 people to get to their weekly
coded bonus legs will cause a huge explosion and spill over in a single
2x15 matrix. When each person gets 2 in their first month and they never
get more than 2 and this progresses for 20 months then there will be over
one million people in just one 2 by leg. This is 2 times itself 20 times
or 20 doublings.
This plan has the benefits of both a “spill over” matrix and a unilevel
plan all in one-Profit Centers change a 2xmatrix into a Unilevel. All of
your “Heavy  Hitters” are on your first level. A 2x15 matrix becomes a
2 x infinity with unlimited income potential. (First time in networking

• Fast start pay from infinity repeats annually from the same people that
gave it to you in the first year. It then also repeats and pays you year
after year. (First in the industry).

• Most people bring in 2 so that they can start their own weekly pay fast
start from infinity legs.

• Fast start pay could easily be well over $1000 per week. (First in the

• Most of your big weekly fast start pay will come from the effort of others.
(First in the industry).

• All this supported by a highly desirable and successful health product

• Low cost monthly product order to qualify. This will be quickly offset
by income from the weekly fast start and monthly matrix income which starts
in month 2. Very low attrition. (First in the industry).

• Not a binary, get full income from strong and weak sides.

• Only sponsor 2 to qualify for up $30,000 per month from the 2x15 matrix.
(First in the industry).

• Help 2 get 2 and get free re-entry profit centers and get unlimited income
(maybe $ million per month) from the 2 x infinity matrix. (What you get beyond
the $30,000 per month depends on your work level).

Join the fastest growing team in Nutronix Revolution . I look forward
to working with you! Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

Listen To This

To your success,
Mike Rogers
Dry Ridge, KY
PS: not reviewed by the FDA. Always see your Doctor for medical information.

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